We offer a 'cost share' on shipping, you pay $15 we cover the difference. In winter months we pay extra to ship within 1-3 days transit time to avoid the package sitting in a truck too long

Super Natural Skin Care

 LIFANCE formulas are written with your skin care goals as our priority, we call this Super Natural Skin Care!        We choose the most rare and potent botanical and marine ingredients. and incorporate them in highest concentrations possible so they are highly effective at delivering the results you expect and deserve

    Our formulas are free from:

    Phenoxyethanol | Parabens | Lye |  Formaldehyde | Penetrating Enhancers | Slip or Glide Agents | Dyes | Perfume | Mineral Oil | Sodium Laureth Sulfate | Silicones | Phthalates | Alcohol | ETDA | Glycols | Animal Ingredients

    Formulated with love and integrity because you and I, deserve the best
    Shannon Lifance
    Founder & Cosmetic Chemist, BSc




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